One Direction Harry Styles Biography

One Direction: Harry Styles Biography
One Direction's Harry Styles' biography begins with his birth on February 1, 1994.  His parents divorced when Harry was 7 years old.  One Direction was not Harry's first band.  In school, Harry and three of his friends formed the band White Eskimo and Harry was the lead singer.

Harry Styles smile
One Direction Harry Styles Smile

The next portion of One Direction's Harry Styles biography would take us to his school band competition where young Harry performed his first song.  White Eskimo became extremely popular at a rapid pace eventually competing in Battle of the Bands where they won the competition.

Harry realized that he loved to sing and perform for people.  By 2010 Styles landed a spot on the X Factor where he performed Stevie Wonder's 'Isn't She Lovely'.  Finding what you want to do in life in one of the secrets to success.  There are far too many people that are unaware of their dreams.

One Direction: Harry Styles Smile
One Direction's Harry Styles smile is genuine and sweet.  Styles reminds us how important it is to smile.  Smiling provides the perfect way for us to handle our problems, face our fears and hide our pain.

Harry Style's smile is wonderful and in the last section of this article you will find Harry's quotes that will make you smile.

Harry Styles smile
One Direction Harry Styles Smile

One Direction: Harry Styles Facts
Think you know everything about Harry? Take a look at the following sections: One Direction Harry Styles facts and then take the quiz to test your knowledge:
  • Styles suggested the name One Direction for the band
  • He is the youngest member of One Direction
  • His middle name is Edward
  • The first song that Styles memorized all the words to was 'The Girl of my Best Friend' by Elvis Presley
  • In 2010, when he was 16, Styles competed in the seventh season the 'The X Factor'
  • Harry's favorite song is 'Free Falling' by John Mayer
One Direction: Harry Styles Quotes
One Direction's Harry Styles quotes are as perfect as his smile.  He truly has a way with words as seen in the following quotes about happiness and smiling.  Here are some of our favorite One Direction Harry Styles quotes:

One Direction Harry Styles Quotes
One Direction Harry Styles Quotes

One Direction Harry Styles Quotes
One Direction Harry Styles Quotes

One Direction Harry Styles Quotes
One Direction Harry Styles Quotes

One Direction Harry Styles Quotes
One Direction Harry Styles Quotes

One Direction Harry Styles Quotes
One Direction Harry Styles Quotes


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