Lebron James Quotes
LeBron James Quotes LeBron James quotes never fail to inspire us to achieve our goals. The two-time NBA Champion truly has a way with words. This article will present LeBron James quotes and then describe life lessons that we can learn from LeBron James. LeBron James Quotes LeBron James Quotes LeBron James Quotes LeBron James Quotes My Way There is this opinion and that opinion…His opinion, her opinion…Somewhere buried within the entire ordeal, there is your opinion. When you have a substantial decision, everyone will have their opinion but you have to make the final decision based on your opinion and move on. Do it your way and hold yourself accountable. If you let someone else make the decision for you, you will have someone to blame if it does not work out. That person is not impacted by the decisions about your life in the way that you are therefore their opinion may not cater to your best interest. ...